Discover all the events of Secursat Team



Radio Roma interview

BD Manager Secursat Maura Mormile, during an interview for Radio Roma on the changing urban scenarios and the role of technology, talked about how the way technologies are used, together with appropriate skills and secure use of data, lead to the development of effective and predictive security governance models to prevent and mitigate possible risks.

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SBA "Piero Ghia" Award Ceremony - 3rd Edition

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The 23-34 sports season ended positively for the SBA Secursat, with the reconfirmation of the C Series. On the occasion of the end of the championship, the prize-giving ceremony was held for the player who most distinguished himself during the season, with the presentation of the plaque dedicated to Ing. Ghia, an award now in its 3rd edition.

The award was presented by our CEO Giuseppe Calabrese and Filippo Ghia to the young player Alberto Battaglino for his achievements, determination and sporting growth.



Cultural Security Management Advanced Course

On 4 April, we took part in a lecture of the Advanced Course in Cultural Security Management organised by the Department of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Pavia in collaboration with the Enzo Hruby Foundation, bringing the testimonies of our CEO and our BD Manager on the development of strategies for a virtuous use of technologies, emphasising the importance of communication in the security sector.

IULM University

Our CEO Giuseppe Calabrese was the guest speaker at a lecture in the Sports Communication course held at the IULM University in Milan, during which he told the students how the value of security is closely linked to communication, to build integrated security models that aim to improve the usability of sports facilities and collective participation.


Conference "Driving change. Innovation and sustainability for local public transport in the 21st century"


On 18 March 2024, the conference "Driving Change. Innovation and sustainability for local public transport in the 21st century" dedicated to the evolutionary scenarios of the transport sector, with sector professionals and institutions. Our CEO Giuseppe Calabrese took part in the event, describing how technological management, through remote maintenance and the application of AI systems, offers solutions to open up innovative scenarios and paths in the definition of service models for cities that are digital, sustainable, predictive, and safe.



H D'Oro Award 2023 

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The H D'Oro initiative promoted by the Enzo Hruby Foundation, which aims to reward the best achievements in security systems, has reached its 17th edition this year. In December, the award ceremony took place at the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, where Secursat received the prize for the "Special Solutions" category.

In the photo, our CEO Giuseppe Calabrese and Business Development Manager Maura Mormile accepting the award together with the President of the Foundation Enzo Hruby.



Ossif - Convention General States of Security

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On 17 November in Rome, the annual appointment with the Ossif Convention "Stati Generali della Sicurezza" (General States of Security) was renewed, where the Intersectoral Report on Predatory Crime produced by OSSIF was presented, and topics relating to artificial intelligence and security were discussed by experts and professionals in the field.

Our CEO Giuseppe Calabrese participated in the conference as a speaker to talk about security and global scenarios, within the panel "Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Security".



Pole Position interview, Sky Business24

Our CEO Giuseppe Calabrese took part in an episode of Business24 TV's Pole Position programme, which aired in October 2023. He was interviewed by anchorwoman Denny Mendez and talked about the Secursat business model, starting from its origins up to the current challenges that technological evolution and international scenarios pose to an ever-changing industry like ours.


The Flow of The Future


19 October there was the inauguration of "The Flow of The Future", an exhibition project curated by Alessia Bennani and hosted by Nhow Hotel in Via Tortona, Milan from 20 October to 30 May 2024.

Art represents for Secursat an important value to be promoted and at the same time protected, as a vehicle for sharing ideas, projects and values. This is why we have decided to support this artistic initiative that will give voice to young Italian and international contemporary artists, aimed at raising awareness of respect for the environment, nature and all urban spaces, for a more inclusive, shared, sustainable and safe future.


Milan Digital Week 23

In continuation of the event organised last year, Secursat again took part in Milan Digital Week this year with a round table "Overcoming Cultural Barriers and Competing on Skills" dedicated to global risk management topics from the perspectives and experiences of different sectors.

The conference took place on 9 October at the Nhow Hotel in Via Tortona, Milan, and was moderated by SkyTG24 journalist Valentina Clemente.


SBA First Team presentation press conference

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On Tuesday, 19 September 2023, the press conference for the official presentation of the SBA Secursat First Team, which will compete in the interregional Serie C Gold championship in the 2023-2024 sports season, was held in Asti, at the Conference Room of Palazzo Mazzetti.

Our Ceo Giuseppe Calabrese, together with the team's coach Carlo di Gioia and the councillor of the Municipality of Asti Stefania Morra, talked about the growth and the goals achieved with passion and sacrifice by the boys in the last few years, valuing sport as an engine of aggregation of young people, of the territory and of healthy values.



SBA Award Ceremony "Premio Ghia"


For the second year running, the prize-giving ceremony dedicated to engineer Piero Ghia took place. This year, the prize was awarded to SBA player Matteo Pavone, for having distinguished himself during the 2022-2023 sports season and who was presented with the recognition plaque during the closing evening at the Golf Club Asti on 13 June.



Conference Astiss

On 8th June Secursat organized a conference at the University of Asti, in cooperation with the Piedmont University and the Industrial Union of the Province of Asti, entitled "The Permacrisis: Scenarios, Technologies and New Challenges", dduring which the topic of permacrisis was addressed from different perspectives.

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Banking and Security 23

Secursat took part in the 20th edition of Banks and Security, a major event for physical and digital security within the banking and financial sector, in Milan at the Auditorium Bezzi Banco BPM on 16 and 17 May, organised by ABI Eventi. An opportunity to showcase Secursat's innovative models within a particular field such as banking, through data analysis and concrete case studies that will bring advanced digitalised processes and solutions to the fore.

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Left, Francesca Balducci, Risk Assessment & Data Analysis Secursat

Right, Maura Mormile, Business Development Manager Secursat


You can read more about the topics covered during the event in our News dedicated to AI and operational resilience:


Fuorisalone 23

On the occasion of the Milan Design Week 2023 and as part of the official Fuorisalone circuit, Secursat organized an event at its Milan offices: a group exhibition entitled "Orizzonti Luminosi - exhibition in the dark".

Find out all the details of the event!

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News Service SkyTg24

The service realised by Sky Now to tell about our approach to security and risk management, which, thanks to the valuable activities carried out by the Technological Hub, allows us to pursue and develop an innovative business model.

The service is available on Sky Video!

Milano Digital Week 2022

On the occasion of the Milano Digital Week held from 10 to 14 November 2022, on Monday 14 November Secursat hosted the event "Una security digitale e sostenibile: un punto di vista al femminile" at the Milan offices. An opportunity to discuss and bring new ideas on the development of limits, fil rouge of the Digital Week this year, and to reflect on how digital approaches represent the path to follow for concrete and sustainable secuirty processes within companies.

The event moderated by journalist Stefano Zurlo had as protagonists 6 professionals with different backgrounds, who shared their personal and professional experience, their vision and their possible solutions to build new innovative and sustainable models, confronting the current limits of technological evolution.


H D'Oro Prize 2022


In the afternoon of 27 October, the ceremony for the H D'Oro award 2022 award was held at the Olympic Theatre in Vicenza, founded by Hesa S.p.a in 2006 and promoted by the Hruby Foundation since 2008 to enhance and reward the best security technology solutions tailored to different areas to be protected and with them the professionalism of the most qualified operators.

Secursat won the first prize in the category "Heritage museums", with a project realized in 2021 for the Asti Musei Foundation.

Alongside, CEO Giuseppe Calabrese who receives the award from the Director of the Uffizi Gallery, Eike Schmidt.




Forum Retail 2022


On October 25 at Mico for the 22nd edition of the Retail Forum, Secursat Business Development Manager Maura Mormile gave a speech dedicated to how technology management makes possible digital and sustainable models in the retail world, in a panel dedicated to Green Retail.

In the picture, starting from the left, the other panel guests: Simone Targetti Ferri - Chief Sustainability Director L'Oréal, Arianna Furia - Director of Retail Sales LloydsFarmacia and Maura Mormile - Business Development Manager of Secursat.

Learn more about Forum Retail 2022.

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Libero Tv Interview

Our CEO Giuseppe Calabrese was interviewed in August 2022 by Libero Tv, to talk about security, risk management and government processes, from the use of technology to better live cities to the value and importance of people.

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SFR - Security for Retail 2022

On 20 October, Secursat took part in the event organized by Securindex, dedicated to the supply chain and retail chains, through which very topical issues were developed and insights on aspects such as security, protection and risk management, in terms of social, environmental and political sustainability.

Learn more about the SFR 2022


Orizzonti Urbani - Arte & Sicurezza

From 7 to 12 June during the week of the Salone del Mobile in Milan, Secursat presented an exhibition by the artist Massimo Catalani, opening for the first time the public the innovative Technology Hub dedicated to remote management and the digitalization of risk management processes.

The press release on Repubblica.

Discover the complete event


The 30 years of Aipsa

For the 30th anniversary of Aipsa, the Secursat Business Development Manager Maura Mormile talks about the Secursat Business model.


Award Ceremony SBA

The CEO Secursat Giuseppe Calabrese on the occasion of the celebration ceremony for the passage in Serie C of the SBA - Scuola Basket Asti, awarded with a plaque named after Eng. Piero Ghia the best player of the team.


Confini Inspiring Pr

In the setting of the Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista in Venice, our CEO Giuseppe Calabrese talks about security between borders and new limits.



SFR - Security for Retail 2019

In Milan at Terrazza Martini Secursat tells how to obtain useful data and information to also target marketing activities through security technologies.


70 years of Big Brother - Eco della Stampa

How does communication change? And what are the communication scenarios in the security sector?

The 70-year event of Big Brother organized by Eco della Stampa in Terrazza Martini in Milan was an opportunity to share the role of communication during critical events.