The permacrisis: scenarios, technologies and new challenges

Thursday 8 June
Uni - Astiss University Pole of Asti

In collaboration with the Industrial Union of the Province of Asti and in the setting of the Uni - Astiss University Pole in Asti, from 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on 8th June, Secursat is organising a conference dedicated to crisis management issues.

Most of the crises we are now experiencing have been present for years, interconnected and widespread at all levels of organisations and society, to the point that it is no longer possible to speak simply of "crisis", but it is necessary to speak of "permacrisis".

Starting from this reflection, Secursat, which deals with risk management, decided to organise a conference for a holistic reflection on the topic, starting from an institutional point of view up to that of private organisations, for an assessment looking to the future, scenarios and new challenges.



Programme of the event:

Introduced and moderated by: Avv. Alessandra Cerreta - President Secursat

"The Permacrisis, the new threats and the need for new skills and regulatory tools to counter them"


Dr Alfonso Terribile Prefect Emeritus

"Crisis management: an institutional point of view"


President of Unione Industriale Provincia di Asti Andrea Amalberto

"Public-private confrontation in crisis management"


Dr. Giulia Saracco - Psychologist

"The psychological effects of emergencies on young people, which tools, including sport, to overcome crises"


Ms Maura Mormile - Business Development Manager Secursat

"Risk management awareness and vision, the role of public-private partnerships "



To participate more info:


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