Cultural Security Management Advanced Course

The security of cultural heritage

Italy is a country that possesses an inestimable artistic and cultural heritage, thanks to its history, its traditions, its deep roots in the past, and has the right to have this heritage preserved, enhanced and secured, especially in the light of the increasingly frequent thefts, acts of vandalism, defacement, and protests that are affecting the works of art themselves, with the risk of irreversible damage.

The Cultural Security Management Advanced Course is an innovative project conceived and implemented by the Department of Business Economics of the University of Pavia in collaboration with the Enzo Hruby Foundation, to create and institutionalise a central and specific figure for the world of art and security: the Cultural Security Manager, a professional in the protection and security of our country's cultural sites and assets, with in-depth knowledge of the systems and technologies currently available, able to choose the most suitable in each individual context.


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The Cultural Security Management Advanced Course will start in March 2024 for its First Edition at the University of Pavia.



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Secursat has decided to support the Fondazione Enzo Hruby in this initiative, recognising the Cultural Security Management Advanced Course as a fundamental opportunity to develop specific technical skills capable of designing innovative and effective technological protection models for the protection, preservation and enhancement of Italian cultural sites and heritage.


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