The Protection of Cultural Heritage

Cultural assets and places, artistic heritage and all the works of art in our territory represent the history and values of our country. An invaluable collective asset that has the right to be protected and preserved and the duty to be enjoyed, in complete safety, by all.

Cultural assets today therefore require adequate protection based on standard security models that are able to operate according to the contexts and uses of the spaces, capable of foreseeing and mitigating possible risk scenarios, which are constantly evolving.

The phenomena that endanger the assets themselves, from vandalism, to premeditated protests by activist groups, to petty theft or damage, are in fact increasingly frequent and difficult to predict. In addition to these issues, there are the demands of rapid changes in the use of spaces and access, which require different needs and requirements from time to time.


How to cope with changes in the scenario?


Secursat provides a team of security experts with specific expertise in cultural property and beyond. A team composed of Criminologists, Security Science graduates, Security Managers certified in accordance with standard 10459, Designers and Analysts to support the actors operating within cultural assets, with competence and professionalism, in the drafting of technical projects on the basis of concrete analyses of real and possible risk scenarios and their evolution.

It is necessary to set up a new security model based on technological management, digitalisation and reorganisation of overall security, through new approaches and integrated and strategic security projects, oriented towards sustainable logics.

A model that starts from an assessment of the historical and cultural characteristics of the asset or place, of the context in which it is located, and that understands its needs, in order to adopt protection logics aimed at protecting its value and enabling its safe use by citizens.


Our Services

Through our teams we are able to support in risk assessment and analysis activities, necessary to understand the technological, organisational and procedural starting point and the real degree of risk for places / goods / people but also in relation to exhibitions and cultural events in general. The technical team is also able to support customers, throughout Italy, in the implementation of security (anti-intrusion, access control, video surveillance, IOT, and more) and safety systems, according to innovative, digital and integrated logics. Moreover, thanks to the support of 24/365 operational structures, we are able to provide help desk support, remote system maintenance and 24-hour monitoring according to models aimed at reducing repeated interventions and unnecessary extra costs.

An innovative security model, compatible with the ethical, aesthetic and organisational standards of the cultural sector and oriented towards the development of intelligent models, thanks also to the adoption of AI-based logic and predictive models.

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Our milestones

The values that drive Secursat projects and security models for the protection and enhancement of cultural and other assets.



Design and implementation of innovative, efficient and effective technological solutions to enhance and preserve heritage and artistic value through secure, digital, scalable and replicable models.


Reduction of technological waste and optimisation of on-site interventions thanks to remote monitoring and maintenance of network and technologies, resulting in economic and environmental savings.


Optimisation of processes through data and information to improve the performance of technologies, to adapt to changing and evolving scenarios in the art world.




Need more information on the protection of cultural heritage through innovative and sustainable security models?



Discover our projects and initiatives on the art world:

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