Secursat and Hitachi Rail Italy


Naples, Pistoia, and Reggio Calabria are the three Italian plants in which Hitachi Rail Italy started the production and assembly of high-speed and innovative vehicles, such as the Frecciarossa and the new train named “Rock”, entirely made in Italy. This train with its 5 grams of equivalents CO2 is a candidate for being the most environmentally friendly transport for commuters in Italy.

Secursat contributed to designing a Security Governance according to the needing of the various production sites and in compliance with the group's policies and guidelines.

This Project is focused on build a global Security Governance along the all supply chain: from consultancy for design integrated security systems, to networks with the public administration, to compliance with national and international regulations, to combine the very trains high standards of sustainability and safety with the same high standard of Hitachi Rail workplaces and staff in Italy and abroad too. It means an integrated security model, where safety and security issues merge into an unique standard to be guaranteed and supported.

It was a planning and organizational path that required high levels of attention, qualified skills and intelligent technology, with the aim of creating a security capable of  "thinking outside the box", according to territorial and internal logics, and especially not only to mitigate but also to foresee and to prevent the risk scenarios.

This governance model starting point was the Assessment, which is the study and the analysis of existing security systems and patterns, in relation to the different types of risks, to build ad hoc security and safety solutions.

The security model developed by Secursat for Hitachi Rail is integrated, holistic, intelligent and it is based on necessary synergies to manage security globally. A process to manage and stream risks and threats in order to obtain higher level of security ensured by continuous monitoring, remote diagnosis and preventive and corrective assistance.


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