Moving and Traveling: processes and technologies to manage risks

In a global situation characterized by strong instability, the processes of managing national and intenational mobility must be rethought 

The increasingly uncertain global context in which we live today has taught us to live together and operate in contexts with changing risk scenarios, thanks also to the digitalization of our lives, and to the use of tools capable of mitigating and minimizing the impacts that rapid changes have or can have on our lives.

If on the one hand, the pandemic seems to have redefined - at least conceptually speaking - the ranking of risks, placing at the top of the pyramid the risks linked to health, translatable today into the risk of contagion, it drags countless others into the new ranking according to a new order of things; on the other hand, recent international events remind us how the global scenario is characterized by strong instability and sudden geopolitical and socio-economic changes,  where the risks continue to be innumerable.

Recent history teaches us that the most significant events contribute to increasing in people, as in companies and organizations, new awareness, opening up to reflections that those who deal with risk management cannot and must not put in the background.

The adoption of guidelines and best practices by companies operating beyond national borders becomes essential, as well as the need to rethink national and international mobility management, combining rules and processes with resources, technology and information management systems.

Technological monitoring solutions, skills in country risk analysis and global scenarios, as well as advisory and intelligence are the sine qua non to manage the risks of mobility and the impacts of changing scenarios. These aspects must be adequately and promptly managed and constantly monitored, to ensure business continuity and competitiveness on the markets.

In a global context, preventive reflections and predictive analysis are increasingly strategic to mitigate the impacts of new threats.


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