If the credibility of a country fails

It is appropriate to reflect on how the risks scenarios of companies and organizations are stronghly influnced by the governmental dynamics of different countries

If you did the mental exercise of comparing nations to large companies, you would realize that both have a "Brand Reputation" and a "Brand image", fundamental to create a global feeling of trust and reliability on the part of all the interlocutors involved, from nations to people. What makes a country great then, in addition to its economy, is undoubtedly its reputation which is what makes it credible.

In this sense, for example, we have witnessed at the international level, the partial dissolution of that aura of invulnerability that hovered around America after the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and, recently, the downstream of the events that have affected Afghanistan. In the European context, however, Mario Draghi seems to be destined to be the best candidate to pick up the baton of Angela Merkel, considered as a reliable political reference point in recent years, according to European public opinion, thus opening a new scenario to the Italian reputation. Can we imagine that the change in the world's perception of the U.S. could contribute to undermining the ability of American companies to impose their leadership on the market, and on the other hand that Draghi's Italy could help Italian companies build a renewed reputation in Europe? And what are the paths that organizations can take?

It is appropriate to reflect on how the risk scenarios of companies and organizations are strongly influenced by the governmental dynamics of different countries, and on how, therefore, to survive the competition. Markets require design foresight, ability to understand political dynamics and to adapt to future scenarios - extremely variable - in a perspective aimed at development.

For Italy, the set of these reflections suggest that it is necessary to think about a speeding up of the transition paths in progress, to complete the processes already in place and exploit the historical and political moment, always keeping in mind that the economic and financial success of companies and organizations is not disconnected from the ability to analyze and manage risks.

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