Sports facilities and safety

Contexts and developments 

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the use of sports facilities has been diversified and expanded, a multi-functionality of events and services has increased their role and, at the same time, the complexities of management. The evolution of these structures, also considering the impact of Covid-19 on the already unstable economic balances of the sector, has determined a necessary rethinking of the concept of security linked to them. The "return to normality", following the prolonged interruption due to the pandemic, is characterized by heavy restrictions on the use of structures, often imposed by law, with the consequence of exacerbating the often difficult financial situations in which the responsible companies find themselves.

With reference to the issue of security, this crisis has forced companies to make substantial reductions in management costs but, as demonstrated for example by the most recent public order incidents occurred in the French football League 1, with invasions and throwing of objects from the stands by hooligans from beyond the Alps (there are 7 episodes to date), the current strategies have not proved to be suitable for containing an ever-expanding phenomenon. In fact, these events affect, in addition to the regular course of sports competition, the image and reputation of the entire system, driving the public away from stadiums and arenas, with consequent further economic repercussions on the companies.

In this sense, the safety management process can be a tool to rethink the security of sport events, if declined in three different but interdependent perspectives: security, safety and emergency. The need to combine these aspects, with a view to a complete re-functionality of these structures, requires the adoption of a systemic approach that integrates the efficiency of investments and resources, synergistic collaboration with the institutional bodies in charge and technological innovation, not only with reference to stadiums and sports halls but also for sports centers. The opportunities provided by the digital transformation can facilitate the implementation of a security governance model that guarantees flexibility of solutions and processes. The aim must be of rationalizing and optimizing investments while generating a positive impact on the operating methods and on the usability of the services offered.

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