Security: Protection or Control

What if supervised would be protected? It was the title of a Secursat news from last year which, in an unprecedented historical moment where the need to feel “protected” increases, resonates even more relevant than ever.

Secursat's mission is to create security models and strategies for its customers based on the analysis of data, behavior and risks, it has always faced the problem of the difficult balance between the need for security and protection and fear of control and failure to respect privacy.

Our vision and approach to security starts from the assumption that today security can and must be a tool capable of providing the business with all the necessary information, not only to protect it, but also to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. According to Secursat it is therefore important to spread a new and more complete culture of safety that recognizes the important value that data can have, if used and addressed correctly, in the implementation of new solutions and approaches capable of improving the quality of work and business.

It is precisely on the skills and ability to acquire, process and manage data that we have, in fact, concentrated our investments over the last few years, thanks to which it has been possible to help customers redirect development strategies, behavior models, new approaches to the management of activities, methods of using places and technologies; security as a response to the difficult situation that affected 2020.

But if on the one hand the knowledge of technologies and digital evolution are an essential condition to keep up with the new dynamics of the market, on the other hand, it is necessary to reiterate the importance of human skills in the design and management of the same that result. be effective if connoted within overall security strategies, developed starting from the complete risk analysis.

This is one of the main topics on which Secursat focuses in this "last" phase of 2020 and on which we will share new ideas, reflections, comments during the virtual conference organized by the Salesian University of Rome on 25 and 26 September and where we will share a speach dedicated to "Social Control, artificial intelligence and monitoring technology".

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