Security model for Retail


Innovate Digital equipment with solutions that can greatly simplify the security governance process and implement predictive and analytics logics,  is an important driver to improve security levels. 

In fact, new digital solutions underline the relevance of security and digital innovation in terms of protection of places and people but also ad instruments to obtain valuable data and information with the purpose of identifying drivers for development and value creation and improve the profitability of the business.

Replay, Italian important player in the production of jeans and casual clothing, has entrusted Secursat with the technological innovation of security sistems  stores, outlets and manufacturing facilities located in Italy, including the store-restaurant “The Stage” in Milan, in the Porta Nuova area of the city.

The project has been developed in disaster recovery logic and it is based on an integrated security governance system, moreover it provides also the centralization of the management in the Secursat ARC (Alarm Receiving Center) in Milan, active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the adoption of new technology solutions and a new predictive and analytics approach. 

The new technology solution implemented in the project, that has included design, installation and monitoring activities, is developed by the Australian Company Pacom, a Secursat Partner and has enabled to obtain highest levels of security and the simplification of security management procedures.


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