Security Consulting Model for real estate: Gioia 22 project


The rapid changes in the economic, social and political context, due to the globalization of markets and technological innovations and correlated with the terrorist events of recent years, have significantly changed   public, private and work spaces perception of security, redefining the security scenario.

Predictive and analytics modelling, is the approach that security must have against the evolution of the new scenario. Secursat to be able to respond to these changes,  has developed a consulting model realized in a technological, strategic and operational key.

The Security Consulting model, implemented by Secursat, finds application with the new requirements of Real Estate. For example, in the capital of Italian finance, while the yard carried out the dismantling of the ex INPS building, Secursat contributed to the study of raising security level for Gioia 22, the "Next Generation Tower" presented by COIMA.

A project of Security Consulting dedicated to the new building, with a focus on anti-terrorism, anti-sabotage and anti-riot aspects, aimed at ensuring the inclusion, which is not always easy,  of the  modern building in the urban area that is growing and becomes part of an innovative concept of metropolis. This project has begun from the analysis of the critical issues related to the perimeter around the new building, until the integration of some design and infrastructure elements with technological tools based on artificial intelligence. Moreover Secursat, together with architects and engineers, in a multifunctional team, worked on innovative solutions to raise the levels of security, triggering preventive logics thanks to the analysis of data and information, respecting at the same time the aesthetic and environmental standards required by the project.

Gioia 22 which provides for the installation of about 6,000 m2 of photovoltaic panels integrated into the side of the building, and desires to carry out an ambitious urban redevelopment project, is an example of how Real Estate is addressing its own interest to the issues of security and anti-terrorism, following the need to adopt a security approach capable of realizing preventive technological solutions and valid and effective countermeasures to improve the real and perceived security in the city's spaces.


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