Sustainability between the G20 and the UN COP-26 in Glasgow

The technological evolution of SMEs to face the risks of the ecological transition

The G20 in Rome has just ended while the UN COP-26 conference in Glasgow is in its final stages, two high-profile events that see world leaders discuss the issues of climate change and the need to adopt common policies aimed at environmental sustainability.

If on the one hand the declarations and responsibilities that world leaders are taking, all go in this direction and are fully among the necessary measures to be taken to comply with the commitments made, on the other hand, it becomes essential to understand how the main stakeholders, but also small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in various capacities involved in markets and industrial environments, may stay in stand by and wait for things to change on their own.

It is necessary, taking up the words of Mario Draghi at the opening of COP 26, to act concretely and collectively to face the challenges that climate change poses to us, as well as to rely on technological initiatives. Technology can and must be the driving force behind the start of the ecological transition, entrusting high expectations on technological innovation and the development of smart solutions, capable of monitoring, mitigating and even reducing impacts in terms of emissions and environmental pollution.

This is the direction that companies and SMEs can and must take, adopting a proactive approach to environmental issues – understood in a broad sense of the term – through the development of strategies based on the digitization of activities and consolidating company policies aimed at promoting sustainable business models, making sustainability a strategic driver.

Statements such as those that have taken place during recent supranational events must make us think and increase, in the stakeholders and actors, the awareness that the technological product alone is only a means, a commodity to be used. It is desirable to understand that it is only a correct management of tools and processes, the adoption of flexible risk management models and the rationalization and optimization of processes that can contribute to the achievement of concrete results in terms of reducing the negative impacts that can occur, even with an eye to the environment.


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