The risk and the network

The network infrastructure for enterprise security management 

The new models of management and organization of work have now confirmed the absolute primacy of the network as an essential element to ensure business continuity. Following this evolutionary path in corporate security, physical and virtual perimeters have intersected to the point that it is difficult to distinguish the boundaries of mutual skills.

Within this vision, a company or organization that is putting in place new monitoring models and technologies, today must face two imperatives. The first is that technologies, whether they are cameras or sensors, must be able to be managed in an integrated way and through the network, in order to start optimization processes, including economic, and remote management. The second is that the management of security, or rather of security data, is not secondary and the systems managed must communicate through dedicated and adequately protected infrastructures

In order to proceed following these guidelines, a modern security management model must work to separate the information that travels on the corporate network and protect it according to the specific IT logics of each organization, from the technological ones related to security systems, to guarantee a direct connection with the technological systems dedicated to security to obtain an effective and efficient management,  as well as remote diagnosis and remote assistance paths, up to remote maintenance.

A possible way forward is the creation of virtual private networks, which can guarantee privacy in addition to security, thanks to the creation of confidential communication channels, encrypted thanks to the use of dedicated hardware and software.

Unlike a traditional management, this type of infrastructure organization, in addition to streamlining, (the management of equipment and systems), allows the development of bi-directional information exchange processes which, if properly managed, can also have significant impacts on management control, in order to work on certain and achievable budgets, as well as on the adoption of sustainable management models.


A vision that considers the mode of transmission of data and information the focal point in risk management issues and the cornerstone around which to rotate security efforts, understood as an essential element to ensure the continuity of its business.


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