Remote Maintenance

The optimization of the security process 

Networks, connectivity, data, artificial intelligence are now the central themes of reflections on the development of the economy and businesses. The difficulties related to Covid-19 have accelerated a transformation path, already started several years ago, focusing on the strategic importance of innovation and digitalization of business processes, forcing banks, retail, industries and institutions to organize to structure online sales and communication, remote working methods and new digital services.

Thanks to the skills gained in recent years from the continuous search for innovation in the management of security services, Secursat has worked to create a completely new model for carrying out traditional security activities, exploiting the advantages of connectivity. We have understood that we are ready to accept the evolutions in progress and prove ourselves more and more agile in grasping the changes and for this reason we have implemented a remote maintenance model for plants and security systems.

The idea behind the development of our project is that the reduction of costs must not be associated with the reduction of the quality of the service, the reduction of hours or skills but can be made possible by the evolution of the service through new, digital approaches. , remote. Remote maintenance means exploiting the connections of the security systems to the SOCs, where Secursat currently manages about 4,000 sites in Italy, not only to monitor events and situations but also to ensure the correct functioning of the systems, through operations studied by our team of technicians, allowing the reduction of mobility and consequently also an optimization of the overall management model. Remote maintenance is a service that completes the path taken by our company aimed at supporting customers in different sectors in guaranteeing business continuity and optimizing security processes and costs through the design and implementation of digital, innovative solutions. , based on the cloud, on Machine Learning algorithms and models. 

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Remote maintenance is possible thanks to the use of PSIM platforms at SOCs and advanced technical skills that make it possible to take advantage of the connections of the systems useful for monitoring sites also for carrying out tests and restoration operations on the plants, as well as all those operations compliant with industry regulations regarding the maintenance of video surveillance and anti-intrusion systems. According to our vision, this system can offer companies a great potential advantage, as well as a first important step towards remoting traditional activities that are often not value-added. To develop this path, Secursat started from organizing customer data and information, which is not always easy, according to a standardized model; personal data and stocks ordered according to a digital data-set, always updated, which allows you to know precisely the details of the systems. By combining IT skills and traditional security skills we have trained operators by creating remote technicians capable of guaranteeing the operation of plants remotely and intervening where the problems are not of a physical nature.

Covid-19 has accelerated this process and allowed us to test remote maintenance on some of our retail and banking customers, allowing us to grasp and concretely analyze the benefits, which have ranged from the optimization of investments, to the reduction of mobility, to more effective management of activities.


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