Secursat and security models


The 2018 first half results confirm the consolidation path and the growth of the Secursat business model.

The business architecture balance obtained differentiating market segments and types of activities and by investment aimed at consolidating a security global and innovative approach, there were strategic choices in line with the evolution of the various risk scenarios.

These results, have been constructed on an approach that proposes security models focused on consulting, planning, and monitoring as linked activities. 

Within this approach, the corporate security, in order to be strategic  and ensure the effectiveness of the solutions required, must be governed by models based on data analysis and on the ability to prevent and forecast the scenarios of risk, considering as important the characteristics of the contexts and their possible evolution over time.

Standardized criteria for suppliers selection and qualification, the search for saving in the management of infrastructures, the use of limited resources and control and monitoring activities that are too often obsolete and undervalued, otherwise can undermine the longevity of infrastructures and accelerate their deterioration.

These considerations assume importance especially for those infrastructures, as recent summer events have shown, which have a real impact on the life and welfare of citizens or are necessary to ensure business continuity and the health of a company's employees.  These type of infrastructure, therefore, needs security models that have to consider the importance of, as well as careful planning,  the control of the activities, of a correct maintenance execution and of a constant monitoring.


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