Design, innovation, sustainability and security


Smart Districts, meeting places where business and green areas, for the workers during the week and for the families during the weekend, exist side by side, design, energy efficiency, technological innovation and environmental sustainability are the international standards to promote the construction of new buildings and  to attract investment.  

But national and international crisis have shown as workspaces, private and public areas management as the way for doing business too are changing following risks generated by sabotage, terrorist acts and riots. 

So now security deals in the main almost inevitably with the public building regulations and standards. At the same time security becomes, increasing frequently, an issue for big industries and bank, that are searching for workspaces where they can express their values, mission statements and guarantee employees security and safety and continuity business at once.  

Traditional further security, by installing cement blocks and other barriers as bollards or jersey, does not together to the buildings design and aesthetic. A cooperation between designers, architects and security experts is needed in order to create a multi-disciplinary team in which coexist all requirements. 

Security becomes  an universal idea that cannot be split up from, environmental sustainability and innovation  during building design, far removed from the traditional security concepts. A new model of cooperation to translate into practice the crucial role of all parties involved in this governance. 

A new integrated security model able to gather useful information to produce solutions and strategic assessments for the prevention, reduction and monitoring of possible risks, compatible with the demands of environmental protection and high aesthetic level in the building sector.  

On this line Secursat is working on innovative projects for the territorial development. Projects into which design, innovation, sustainability and security cooperate to guarantee high security standards, high quality of life and employment. 


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