Big, Fast & Smart Data

Data to support the development of the security strategies

With the continuous evolution of digital tools, the data and information obtainable from the use and management of connected and interconnected technological devices multiply. In a scenario where we talk about IOT and Big Data Secursat with increasing frequency, it has developed, for the security world, as part of the Security Assessment activities, a model of scientific data analysis focused on the transformation of log files into information relevant to order in the management of services and to optimize costs and business models.

Our experience in the field of managing simple and complex security systems and architectures has led us to reflect on the multitude of sensors, including traditional ones, capable of transmitting information and led us to develop strategic data interpretation models in order to identify those which have a significant importance in the redesign of the protection models, the reorganization of the security function, and the orientation of the company's costs and investments.

Within this path, thanks to the expertise on traditional systems, Secursat helps companies to rethink the method with which data are processed in order to make them intuitive, easy to read and useful to company management, developing technological integration processes for a better, future, information acquisition and creation of economies of scale.

The Secursat Business Development team helps customers, therefore, to transform data from big to smart and develops, depending on the needs, acquisition and analysis processes also of the so-called "Fast Data", or data that can be analyzed in real time, which, as in the most recent case of Black Friday, have allowed real-time analyzes on flows and processes.

This is our idea of ​​an innovative approach to security, it is the challenge for 2020, no longer just the search for intelligent products but rather the constant development of intelligent models, innovative and strategic services in step with technological evolutions.. 


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