Secursat for the world of sport


As part of a wider developmental project dedicated to the model of organization and management of sports facilities and events, in a regulatory framework that focuses on the active prevention of violent and discriminatory phenomenons, especially of clubs, the A. C. Monza, decided to start improving its security levels of the "Monzello Sports Centre" where there are playgrounds dedicated to all categories of the athletes of the company.

Secursat, which in this context has been chosen as the official supplier of the AC Monza, for the design, the implementation and the management of all Security systems, has embarked on a path of implementation [img_dx=/media/cENTRO sPORTIVO mONZELLO.jpg]of the levels of protection starting from the technological upgrade of the Centre's systems, to complete a project to improve the services offered to players.

Precisely, Secursat's commitment provided the preparation of appropriate security systems aimed at monitoring and controlling the areas of the centre, according to a logic of integration and a longer-term strategy in the wake of the team’s positive results. An investment that looks far to the needs of today but also to those possible of tomorrow to think in a preventive perspective and to prevent possible risks and criticalities and that inevitably translates into a more efficient organization and management of spaces, for a modern concept of Sports Club that focuses on safety and reliability by investing in innovative technologies and models aimed at protecting players, places of work, training and preparation.

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