Mergers and Acquisitions

Technological integration as a risk mitigation tool 

Mergers and acquisitions are affecting different sectors of the market, from banks to large retail players and organizations operating in the industrial sector. The banking sector, for example, on a national and European level, is experiencing a deep and rapid path of integration, as well as the industrial sector, which has been affected by the creation of large poles where know-how and production capacity can be concentrated with increasingly integrated logics.

One of the most obvious consequences of these changes is the need for an integrated, multi-site management, and one of the complexities that we often face to better manage the risks that these operations entail on an operational level, is to integrate the different organizational models in risk management, along with the different technologies.

It is therefore increasingly evident the need for consulting skills and integrated approaches, made possible through the large-scale use of software platforms with open protocols and market standards, available for integration with usable and analyzable data and predisposition to remote management. Through this approach it is in fact easier to manage the risks deriving from the technological, as well as procedural, operational and cultural, differences, which often exist between different groups and organizations, with significant impacts on the guarantee of good business continuity and on smaller investments, where it is possible to adopt integrated approaches.

Within this scenario, the management of operations that arise from financial and operational needs that often involve management integration and products in general, becomes commodities and increasingly assumes, for those who deal with business risks, the ability to offer all-round services, capable of covering the entire spectrum of needs and requirements of organizations.

Risk management becomes, therefore, a process, central in the definition of the company organization and a transversal element for the entire company.

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