Covid-19: looking forward

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Despite the unpredictability and the management difficulties of the current scenario and its evolutions, we believe it’s necessary to share some reflections on how to respond and resist the crisis and especially on the activities that can be fielded and planned for the restart by mitigating the risks of the scenario Covid-19.

The core business of Secursat is the creation of security strategies and risk and threat analysis in order to build models based on Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, key points in the management of discontinuity scenarios, that to be guaranteed need a managerial model based not only on the guarantee of the continuity of all business services but also on the ability to resist and respond to a crisis that impacts directly or indirectly on the business.

To the financial aspects of the Business Continuity, therefore, are added management aspects, especially in relation to non-core activities, which guarantee the maintenance only if outsourced, to qualified partners.

To ensure the effectiveness of back-up and disaster recovery for traditional security services, in our vision, are needed outsourced network communication infrastructure and Security Operation Center, which operate as a research laboratory that studies, test and takes advantage of the benefits of the network to operate even remotely, always ensuring the continuity of security services.

The Secursat model, which is ensuring the operational continuity of security services for all its customers, was structured, well before the crisis, through the digitization of management and technological processes, remote connections with back up of networks and systems, but mostly it’s oriented to the culture of emergency, widespread and shared even in normal operation.

So Secursat has made possible the continuous delivery – even in this crisis – of operational support to customers by reducing on-site interventions and carrying out operations and activities, for example related to plant maintenance, remotely, managing to reach 90% of assets with remote inspections and controls.

The main driver of the restart is, therefore, take advantages of benefits of the network and connectivity, through qualified partners, skills developed over time and targeted training courses, in order to ensure the continuity of business and services, on which Secursat, has built its business model and emergency management for its customers.

These are the issues addressed in the webinar aired last Friday, April 3 and shared on the Youtube channel of the initiative Digital Revolution, which you can listen to clicking on this link.


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